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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Two Easy Ways to End Immigration Problems In the US

The two biggest fears regarding immigration problems in the US are 1) Illegal immigrant using social services and benefitting from government programs while not paying into the system; and 2) Illegal immigrants corrupting the political system as a voting block. The first solution is to eliminate the current income tax system entirely and replace it with a simple sales tax system. Everyone, regardless of whether they currently file taxes, have a valid social security number, or have a valid "green card" all need to buy goods and services. It's unescapable!!!!! A sales tax system would totally eliminate the need to even file taxes. It would be totally fair to everyone, as it would more heavily tax those who are rich and spend more than those who are poor and spend less. The only things that would stop such a simple solution are the huge lobbies in Washington DC that represent Tax Accountants and Tax Lawyers. Clearly they would have to find another job.............sob! OMG, what about the IRS?? They would become nearly irrelevant and have to be scaled way down to a much smaller size. The second solution takes care of itself via the first solution. The biggest problem with Illegal Immigrants voting is that they should not vote unless they are part of the system and paying into the system. In the absence of the first solution, we need to require some method of assuring that those who vote are also filing tax returns and paying their fare share into the system that they are benefitting from. How can this be accomplished? In this age of computers and databases, it would be easily ascertained that a person has files and/or paid their taxes, and it would be equally easy to make two years of filing and paying taxes a requirement prior to giving a person a voter registration card. Granted, this would give additional responsibilities to the voter registration boards, but that wouldn't be so bad, as they could increase their employment rolls to help offset the people fired by the IRS, Tax Accountants, and Tax Lawyers. I welcome your comments.

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